What I can do for you:
- consultations for young ladies, discussion of sexual issues, first examination, contraceptive counseling
- gynecological preventive check-up: physical exam, pap smear, ultrasound, including breast exam
- birth control: (consultation on the right method depending on ones lifestyle, for example: pill, hormonal intrauterine device (IUD), non hormonal IUD (copper/gold), intrauterine ball, GyneFix® , diaphragm, patch, ring, implant (Implanon), three-month injection
- premenstrual syndrome: physical examination, possibilities of therapy
- menopause: physical examination, individual therapy methods
- evaluation and therapy of gynecological infections
- HPV-exams, discussions of the various treatments and vaccination
- urinary incontinence and various treatments
- female genital cancer, treatment, aftercare and follow-up
- evaluation, therapy, aftercare and follow-up of breast diseases (benign and malign)
- breast ultrasound
- genetic consultation for BRCA, genealogy and exact family anamnesis
- medical attendance of BRCA-positive patients
- breast surgery of benign and malign diseases of breast tissue in cooperation with plastic surgeons
- extensive consultation of pregnant women
- medical examinations as recommended in the Mother-Child-Passport (Mutter-Kind-Pass)
- delivery consultation
- Comprehensive family planning and reproductive health care services in cooperation with specialized centers (IVF, ICSI), preconception counseling,
- basic fertility evaluation
- specialist referrals
- breast surgery (benign and malign tumors)
- small uterine surgery (curettage, hysteroscopy, conisation)
- laparoscopic surgery (sterility treatment)
- hysterectomy
- Botox treatments:
- frown lines
- crows feet around the eyes
- forehead, they are easy to treat
- hyperhidrosis
- axillary sweating
- Hyaluronic acid
The team

Nina Raßwallner
The meaning of …
Gynecology and Obstetrics
In my profession, I strive to provide a personal experience that tends to the individual needs of my patients. My field is a medical niche that requires trust and mutual respect. I pride myself in offering a caring environment in which to welcome new life, as well as to provide a safe haven for women in sensitive, as well as vulnerable, phases of their life: puberty, first love, contraception, menopause, etc. It is imperative to me in fostering good rapport to have enough time to thoroughly talk about the concerns of my patients. I will give you my undivided attention, as long as necessary, to ensure that a trusting patient/doctor relationship can thrive.
Every woman is welcomed.
Psychosomatic Medicine
If medical clarification does not provide a diagnosis, it may be helpful to look beyond the obvious confines of disease: the first level is biological, the second is the individual experience of those affected (e.g., the meaning given to things in life), the interpersonal interactions within the family system (family, partnership, childhood, environment, etc.), and the cultural factors that influence our development.
A small change in perspective can set a major transformation process in motion. Mindfulness, respect, and the involvement of other areas of life are close to my heart.
Pregnancy is a special time in the life of a woman. Physical and psychological changes ensue . As such, it is of utmost importance for the woman to be well-informed and confident during the course of her pregnancy, the birth and the subsequent aftercare . I urge my patients to ask as many question as they see fit, as well as to mention any fears or insecurities that my arise. Longer conversations are often necessary . I am happy to deal with your individual concerns and will always take the time to find a satisfactory solution together.
Being able to accompany a women through this special time is undoubtedly the most rewarding perk of my occupation.
Breast health
… is a term that has become more important in recent times. The breast is an organ that is often perceived with ambivalent feelings, regardless of age: on the one hand as a symbol of femininity and as a pleasure organ, on the other hand with anxious fear of a disease.
Women want to be taken seriously in these matters. Competent advice, empathy, easy-to-understand explanations, and joint decision-making are indispensable here.